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We want to help you!

Fill  in one simple form and we will do the rest  


Loan approval
in minutes


Qualify for a loan
in seconds with guaranteed best rates


The inexperience of youth, poor financial advice, unexpected loss of employment, or any number of other factors can leave a good person in need of a rebuilding-credit car loan. If you’re in this unfortunate situation, you probably need an auto loan and your credit score may not be the best. The good news is we will help you by offering multiple options that will give you the proper steps to boost your credit score significantly.

We start by having you fill out a credit application. This will only take a couple of minutes. We then acknowledge your chosen car and desired payment plans. After this we will have multiple financial institutions compete for your business. Not only is that good for us, but it is really great for you. This is how Nu-Wave gets the best deals around!

Our financial institutes have flexibility to choose when you want to pay (1st of every month in example), and how often(weekly, biweekly, monthly). Stop down today and get the car of your dreams at a price you can afford and a pay period that aligns with you.

When completing the form above you are giving Nu Wave Auto Center permission to run a credit report with the intent for auto loan approval. If you can go to your own bank or have cash some prices may differ.

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